
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

'The Wardrobe Edit' on Substack

A place for minimal style lovers, this twice a week Substack newsletter is your place for alllll the style inspo direct to your inbox. Your one-stop-shop, whether you're looking for new ways to wear your old favourites, or want someone to do the scrolling for you. Allow me?

'The Packing Edit' - Available Now

Find everything you need to organise, sort and plan your holiday wardrobe in this 14-page PDF download. From the travel essentials that I’ve used for years, to the best packing guides around (one for short trips and one for long-haul holidays) – this guide will make your next packing session a breeze. I’ve thrown in a 10-piece capsule wardrobe for you to riff off and my top hot weather investment buys too. You are SORTED.


Welcome To The Anna Edit

What’s all this about then?


Well this feels a bit strange, but it’s time to finally introduce you to something I’ve been working on since the beginning of the year. Welcome to ‘The Anna Edit’! Same content, same ol’ me, but with a fancier website that’s hopefully not only easier on the eye, but also easier to browse, whether it be on desktop, tablet or mobile. My old blog design had been chugging away for around three years and it felt clunky and rusty – it was time for a change. So whilst I kicked it back old skool and drew up new designs with a pencil and a ruler on paper (my web designer loves me!), I got thinking about the possibility of a new name too.


‘Vivianna Does Makeup’ was a name that I dreamt up over six years ago, back in my second year of University. I wanted to dip my toe into the beauty blogging world but was horrified at the thought of anyone ever discovering my weird little corner of the internet. Hence the pseudonym of sorts ‘Vivi-Anna‘ – my real name ‘Anna’, with a more exotic sounding beginning. My undercover blogging lasted only three months before friends and family members cottoned on and to this day my Grandma is still convinced that I run an eBay account. ‘Thanks Grandma – the eBay business is going well!’ 

So – new name, same vibes. ‘The Anna Edit’ is my patch of internet where I plan to write about a bit of everything from beauty bits that have been tickling my pickle to the cookie recipe that I rustled up and ate them all within two days. My almost daily edit of all things beauty, style, fitness and life.  A quick note on that; I’m hoping that I’ll be able to put something new for you up here at 9am GMT on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. It’s going to be no different to the stuff that I’ve been putting out for the last year, just with a swishier layout and a few bells and whistles here and there. Look – three mini photos in a row – how cool is that!? Thanks Jay.


Design-aside there’s a few other new things around here. Instead of the million and one categories I did have, I’ve streamlined down to just four so it should be easier to browse depending what kind of content you’re in the mood for (re-categorising 2,000+ posts was so much fun, let me tell you). On the homepage you’ll also find a shop-able sliding bar of some of my favourite clothing, beauty and interior finds and my latest YouTube videos and Instagrams. If you want to see what’s been the most-read content of the last month then that’s in the ‘Popular‘ tab. On the ‘Shop‘ pages there’s also an option to shop my Instagrams too which I’ll update each time I post something new. See? A few more bells and whistles, but the bumf you find in my posts will always be here. 2,000+ ramble-filled posts later, eh?

I’m both ridiculously excited and kinda terrified in equal parts. It was a big move to wave goodbye to VDM, but I’ll always have a soft spot for it and after six years it was time for a change, a wee shake-up. I must say that I’m beyond chuffed with the new design too. I’ve listened to your feedback and hopefully you like it. Thank you so much for sticking with me over the years, it’s much appreciated. So ‘The Anna Edit’, a new chapter – let’s do this! There’s still life in this old dog yet.

Photos by Lauren Shipley
