Hands up who goes a little overboard on the beauty side of things when it comes to holiday packing *sheepishly raises hand* – yep I’ve been there, done that, taken along the hair mask that returned from my travels with the seal still intact. Well, I think I’ve turned a corner as on my last jaunt cross-country I used every single product that I packed; I needed nothing more, nothing less and inspired by my perfectly-sized all-encompasing beauty bevy I scrawled down notes on the route home and ta-dah – four weeks and countless lists later – ‘The VDM Guide to Holiday Beauty Packing’ series: five videos covering all bases from the basics to the extras to lug with you if you’re off to the beach, a festival, city snooping or something a little more outdoorsy, all accompanied by a handy tickboxed checklist that fully satisfies my Virgo needs. First up the essentials to pack into your case wherever you’re heading off to, and as promised here’s the print out, pack and tick-off PDF…
The VDM Guide to Holiday Beauty Packing
Next up, what beauty bolt-ons to bring if you’re festival bound. Did somebody say wipes?